Project Sky Eater's development has been going better than I could have reasonably expected.

This has been an incredible look into the mind of this widely feared species. They have an almost frightening ablity to adapt to their environment, the Sky Eater picking up on our civilized mannerisms and the nuances of the Everytongue language while still being a mere child. It is no wonder that these lifeforms have been banished from Lost Space entirely, if the infamous stories of what Zanziko swarms have done to entire worlds ring true. Contrary to the tales I've heard with a common tone of fear and aversion... our very own member of the species has not shown the savagery that I would expect from those accounts.

In fact, she is usually quite polite.
I have had nice conversations with her.

Conversations indeed, as the Sky Eater has learned how to say complicated sentences at Age 5. Everyone was taken aback by how quickly these developments came. Researchers and biologists who have been given security clearance over this project, and the gizmos and high tech machinery that we have been using to teach the Sky Eater these concepts all have been doing a wonderful job. But I also must give credit to our subject's high mental adaptability. Of course, to stimulate her growth even further, such as reading out a phrase or pronouncing a certain word correctly, we usually give her a treat or a reward. This usually consists of some sweets or a mechanical device she can suck the electrcity out of.

During one instance, however, the Sky Eater was given a comic book that was purchased from the nearby city for reading practice. She grew quite attached, to the point where she would keep a stash of them in her cell. We would start using those as a reward as well. I suppose words with pretty pictures would spark a little girl's mind. A win-win situation, if you ask me. Though, sometimes she would mimic the characters in the comic books that we've given her, and in these instances... I think she is somewhat confused on the roles between the hero and the villain. It is as if she wants to be the hero... but uses the villain's mannerisms. I wonder if I should dismiss this as the whims of a young imagination... or that there may be a deeper connection within the subconscious relating to this.

Whatever the case, I am happy as long as she engages with us.

It is quite odd how friendly the Sky Eater ended up being. I was fully expecting for this project to be a heavy undertaking. A dangerous one, even. The only resistance we've gotten up until this point is when she voices desires to leave the facility. That is something that we absolutely cannot allow as of yet. We have not fully ascertained whether she would be a threat to the outside world. Even during these sparse moments of protest, however, nothing violent ever happens.
If I had known that this would happen, then I would not have developed electricity absorbing wristcuffs to restrain her. These are coupled with a function to punish her with needle modules should she make an otherwise bad move, a neccessary measure to prevent any potential incidents. Perhaps what we have heard about the Zanziko species is not entirely true, and has been sensationalized beyond the scope of the actual truth. I cannot be sure myself, as research on that particular topic would require a very dangerous trip into the depths of an uncharted world. What one of my subordinates finds more likely is the "killer instincts" do not truly kick in until they have reached the adult stage of their evolution, starting at Age 15. In the end, it seems as if only time will answer any of our questions.

If the future is so uncertain, then the wristcuffs should remain...

... And may even be strengthened.