After 7 Ages, the Sky Eater has grown to the point where it can communicate with us effectively, has demonstrated its power, and hasn't shown any notable signs of aggression. These are all sure signs that I can now progress with the experimentation phase of this project. Our goal is to test the Sky Eater's physical ability, intelligence, effectiveness in battle, and her durability. These components are essential for her to carry out her purpose.

The Sky Eater seems... excited about this. She has voiced ambitions to test out some new "moves" that she has come up with to test her strength. This certainly wasn't the response that I was expecting, though I do appreciate the enthusiasm. I would always egg her on whenever she says things like that, and she would tell me all the "cool" things she'd want to do with her abilities. She has quite the imagination. I am fond of having moments like that with her. However... I must continue to keep the end goal of this project in mind.

I am going to have to ask the volunteers and visitors to leave for this phase, as classified technology will be in use. It is already overwhelming enough just keeping one project a secret. They have shown great interest and are similarly fascinated in the evolution of a Zanziko. Perhaps I will show them the end result when this undertaking gets the greenlight from the Fleet. Some other groups have also contacted me with interest in what we have been doing, including long time allies such as Torrent Inc. I am not sure whether the Fleet will make this public or private when I show them this. I strongly suspect the latter, but we will see when we get to that point.

Let's hope it will be a success.