We would finally up the ante with our experiments, just as planned.

While searching for some documents, I would check the storage room of the facility. There, I would come face to face with a figure covered in tarp, looming over me. Underneath was a war machine, the AXIOM-324, that the local army lent to us a long time ago for safekeeping purposes. I assume they've forgotten about it by now. A contraption such as this is exactly what the Sky Eater would encounter in a battle scenario, as these are a mainstay for terrestial warfare during any kind of interstellar conflict. If my calculations hold any weight, then our little monster should should be able to punch into the titanium plated armor of the apparatus. There is no doubt in my mind that she would also be durable enough to take hits from the artillery loaded inside without immediately getting blown to smithereens. My data does not lie.

Gathered in the control room of the Forcefield Chamber, my subordinates and I would observe and take notes as the Sky Eater would face the AXIOM.

She seemed to only observe it curiously at first.. but then we would turn it on through the remote it was paired with. The mechanical beast whirred to life. Detecting our subject as a threat, it would calibrate the guns it had for arms... before the sound of missilefire would reverbrate through the room. She was able to evade some of the rounds, using her agile speed to weave and leap away as the stray missiles would detonate against the forcefields. For a few minutes, this would be all we saw. The Sky Eater wasn't fighting back at all. In fact, there was a look of visible of panic in her eyes as ammunition flew across the room. A look belonging to one who had been facing real danger for the first time.

Eventually, though... the mech would run out of missiles. It's not like there was a surplus left loaded inside when it was left here. Yet even still, she didn't take advantage of the open window to attack, only catching her breath and staring at it with a wary look. Leaving it alone for that short period was a mistake on her part, however...

In that time, you could hear hum of plasma gathering from inside.

A glow would creep from inside of its arm chambers, and suddenly.. a bright blue flash would gleam through the entire space. The Zanziko would've been sent careening into a wall from the explosive impact. Wind had been knocked out of her, and with bruises and burns now scattered throughout her body, she could only stagger back up.

The AXIOM would only continue its path of destruction, cornering the poor girl where there was nowhere to run. Distress could be seen in her eyes as the automaton towered over her in size, clicking sounds within its metallic innards marking a ghastly omen of what was to come. The war machine would commit to its designated purpose, coldly aiming at the target. And yet, right before that fateful moment...

There was a look in the Sky Eater's eyes that I had never seen before.

That, along with what happened next..

It sent a bloodcurdling chill through my very soul.

A primal kind of fear that a mere machine would never be capable of creating.

When we wrapped up, triple checked that her wristcuffs were enabled, and escorted her back to her cell... It was a tense atmosphere. Suffice to say, my subordinates were more cautious handling the girl than ever before. I could tell we all felt similarly about this. The Sky Eater herself was just... silent.

Let's look at the bright side. This shows our subject is more than capable of fighting on the battlefield. Her strength and durability are already several levels beyond the average lifeform. I am satisfied with these results.

And, as an added bonus...

We now have a big pile of titanium scrap.