I would have a conversation with the Sky Eater today, to test the total aptitude of her communication with us. Complex conversation will help when she has to take specific orders from her superiors. Here is a bit in the transcript that stood out to me.

DEIGA: So... I have another question for you.

SKY EATER: .. Another one?

DEIGA: Out of all the characters in the comics that you read, which one is your favorite?

SKY EATER: Well...

SKY EATER: I am a big fan of Particle Man.


SKY EATER: I just like the way his powers work... and how he fights the foes he's up against during his adventures.

SKY EATER: And the creative ways that he uses his powers...

DEIGA: Doesn't he make boxing gloves using his particle ability?

SKY EATER: That's right.

SKY EATER: But he can do much more things with his powers, especially whenever he's in trouble.

SKY EATER: Like when he was fighting Dark Falkor, and he created a meteor shower to stop him from conquering the magical realm of Ur.

SKY EATER: I liked how that looked when I was reading it...

DEIGA: The magical realm of Ur?

DEIGA: What is that? That sounds interesting.

SKY EATER: It's a fantasy realm that the heroes enter through a portal.

DEIGA: What's inside?


SKY EATER: You only pretend to care.


SKY EATER: This is a means to an end, isn't it?

DEIGA: Not necessarily. I am just interested in what you have been up to recently.

DEIGA: Is that such a crime?

SKY EATER: You bought me out of my room, to sit here with you...

SKY EATER: .. With sudden interest in my comics.

SKY EATER: This is just another one of your terrible experiments, is it?

DEIGA: ...

DEIGA: Your entire time with us has been an experiment, dear.

DEIGA: There is no difference between whenever you sleep, whenever you are awake, whenever you are eating, whenever you speak...

DEIGA: The fact that you sit here before me, with blood flowing through your veins...

DEIGA: That is a "means to an end".



DEIGA: Will you answer my question?

We would continue to discuss a few topics, before her reluctance eventually made it so that progress was impossible. What I found interesting was that the Sky Eater was starting to become much more self aware. And she could psychologically pick at my behavior. Usually, one would think that this pattern is a concerning one, and her disobedience would eventually grow as time goes on. At least, that is a concern that my subordinates raised to me. Personally, I find it exciting that the Sky Eater can already operate on that level of emotional intelligence. What an interesting species! I have no regrets, and I am not even fully done with this phase...

I wonder what I will find next?